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Argentina’s New Hemp and Medical Cannabis Regulator

Earlier this month, we discussed the approval of a new regulatory framework for hemp and medical cannabis by Argentina’s legislature. At the time, we focused our attention on those who, reflecting antiquated thinking on cannabis, voted against the bill. Today we finally turn to the substance of what is officially known as the Regulatory Framework for the Development of the Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Industry (Marco Regulatorio para el Desarrollo de la Industria del Cannabis Medicinal y el Cáñamo Industrial). Yes, it’s a mouthful.

The new regulator

The recently passed law establishes the Regulatory Agency for the Hemp and Medical Cannabis Industry, or ARICCAME (Agencia Regulatoria de la Industria del Cáñamo y del Cannabis Medicinal), a part of the Ministry of Productive Development (Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo). The agency “will be the competent organism to regulate, control and issue administrative licenses with respect to the use of cannabis seeds, cannabis and its derivate products.” Based in Argentina’s capital of Buenos Aires, ARICCAME is empowered to establish branch offices across Argentina.

Advising the regulator

A Federal Council for the Development of the Hemp and Medical Cannabis Industry (Consejo Federal para el Desarrollo de la Industria del Cáñamo y Cannabis Medicinal)

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