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High cannabis sales during the pandemic allows Calgary business to expand

Cannabis sales are up in Alberta, allowing for business expansion in Calgary.

Ryan Roch opened Lake City Cannabis in Chestermere in June 2019, and sales were good, but in April 2020, business exploded from good to great.

“We went from average sales that we were used to all the way to almost doubling those, day over day, which was wildly unusual. We just weren’t prepared for it. We had shortages very quickly,” said Roch.

Roch said a combination of things happened when the pandemic started. More people were staying in Chestermere and not driving to Calgary for work, and new customers started coming in looking for ways to relieve stress.

Read more: Alberta liquor, cannabis sales remain steady during coronavirus pandemic

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Judy Partridge-Stanford started taking CBD oil capsules last year to deal with stress and sleeping issues.

“At my age, I always

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