While legal cannabis markets are getting stronger every year, most cannabis consumers still live in the medical-only markets or states with no legalized cannabis. That prompted us to look into how illicit cannabis sales compare to legal cannabis sales in the U.S.

Since you entered the site
cannabis sales has generated in the U.S.


revenue in illicit
cannabis sales


revenue in legal cannabis sales
(recreational and medical use)

Key findings

Legal v.s. illicit 
cannabis sales 2020 in the U.S.

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States without medical and recreational use legalization that generate the highest percent of illicit cannabis sales revenue:



% of Total illicit sales revenue in 2020

* CBD Oil Only
Legal v.s. illicit 
cannabis sales 2020 in the U.S.

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Cannabis legality by state


Legal status

Medical use





Estimates for illicit and legal cannabis sales revenue in the U.S are sourced from U.S. Cannabis Report: 2019 Industry Outlook by New Frontier Data.

Revenue per second is calculated by dividing estimated legal and illicit cannabis sales revenue by the number of seconds in a year.

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