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OLCC Violation? Keep These Two Points in Mind

OLCC rules are complex and change frequently, so compliance can be challenging and violations occur frequently. Over the years, we’ve represented clients in administrative proceedings across the west coast, and each system has its own quirks. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you find yourself in the process.

Focus on compliance on the front end!

Now more than ever, it’s time to ensure compliance with the rules. The OLCC has made clear they expect licensees to understand and abide by the rules. Settlements were easier to come by in the earlier years. OLCC is no longer willing to let licensees to keep their licenses in some instances when there are multiple rule violations, or even one egregious rule violation.

We strongly encourage all license holders to set up a comprehensive compliance plan instead of having a vague sense of the rules and hoping for the best. If you want to preserve your license, get familiar with the rules. One of the best investments and assets you can have for your business is a compliance person whose job it is to know the rules and make sure that your company is compliant at all times. That person’s

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