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Canadian cannabis farm looking for volunteer product testers

A family cannabis farm on the Acadian coast of New Brunswick is looking for volunteers from across Canada or abroad to participate in cannabis research.

Located in the community of Saint-Joseph-de-Kent, about an hour’s drive north of Moncton, Greenherb Farms is currently licensed for cannabis processing, cultivation and medical sales, but Claroni told Huddle the company is set to receive a sales amendment so it can retail its products.

The cultivars that the company works with have been chosen specially for outdoor cultivation in New Brunswick, per Grow Opportunity, with the hopes of lowering costs for medical patients.

“We can really narrow down which plants grow best here and which cannabis flowers our consumers really like,” Claroni told Huddle. 

“Each one of those cultivars is going to be grown by seeds, so you’re going to have a lot of different expressions

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