On Tuesday, September 6, 2022, a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) of the Oregon Liquor & Cannabis Commission (OLCC) had its first meeting to discuss amendments to the administrative rules governing licensed marijuana businesses. Specifically, the RAC met to discuss new, proposed rules that would reclassify marijuana violations.
This post discusses some of the proposed reclassification rules. Licensees and the public are invited to observe RAC meetings, and the OLCC later will hold public hearings and provide a two week comment period to gain additional perspectives on the proposed changes (schedule is updated here). This post discusses some of the proposed new rules reclassifying marijuana violations, which you can find here.
One of the proposed rule changes would eliminate current OAR 845-025-1115(1)(c)(C). The broader rule governs when the OLCC must deny an initial or renewal application. The section proposed for elimination provides the OLCC must deny an initial or renewal application if the proposed license premises is:
“At the same location as a producer, retailer, processor, wholesaler, or laboratory license, unless the licenses are of different types and all of the licenses at the location are held or sought by identical applicants. For the purpose of this paragraph, ‘at the same
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