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Government analysis predicts DEA is “likely” to reschedule marijuana

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will “likely” reschedule marijuana, per federal health regulators’ Aug. 29 recommendation, according to a government analysis released this week.

DEA confirmed to Congress in 2020 that it is “bound” by law to defer to the Department of Health and Human Services on matters of science and health, according to a Sept. 13 report by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the federal government’s public-policy think tank.

The analysis means the nation’s drug police are unlikely to block a potentially revolutionary advance in federal drug policy.

And that has major implications for the U.S. cannabis industry as well as marijuana users seeking federal jobs or assistance, including military service and public housing.


“DEA has testified in response to questioning at a congressional hearing in 2020 that it is bound by FDA’s recommendations on scientific and medical matters, and if past is prologue it

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