A strong majority of voters—including more than 60 percent of Republicans—support congressional legislation to protect states’ rights to set their own marijuana laws, according to a new poll of three states.
The survey, commissioned by the Coalition for Cannabis Policy, Education, and Regulation (CPEAR), focused on Missouri, Ohio and Wyoming. It asked voters 21 and older about their views on the Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States (STATES) Act.
The bill, which is being led by Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH) in the House, enjoys 72 percent support in Wyoming, 67 percent in Missouri and 61 percent in Ohio. Democrats were generally the most supportive, but the poll also found a majority of Republicans back it in each state: Missouri (62 percent), Ohio (60 percent) and Wyoming (65 percent).
“It is no surprise that this recent poll proves even further that the federal government should respect the will of the states when it comes to cannabis reform,” Joyce told Marijuana Moment on Tuesday.
“With almost all 50 states adopting some form of cannabis reform, it is time to pass legislation like my bill, the STATES Act, to ensure each state has the right to determine for itself the best approach
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