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Marijuana ‘Not As Dangerous’ As Previously Thought, Biden Campaign Says As It Promotes Pardons And Rescheduling In New Ads

The Biden campaign is stepping up its push to draw a contrast between the president’s marijuana policies at those of former President Donald Trump, stressing that cannabis is “not as dangerous as we once believed” on a new campaign page and buying ads promoting his clemency actions.

As the November election approaches, President Joe Biden has increasingly leaned in to the popularity of his mass marijuana pardons and scheduling review that led the Justice Department to recommend moving cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

A new Biden campaign webpage also highlights those steps, while criticizing Trump and arguing that the former president “made the failed approach [to marijuana] worse.”

“Joe Biden has been clear for a long time that our nation’s marijuana laws are outdated and are failing communities, particularly communities of color,” it says. “When he ran in 2020, Biden promised to fight to ensure that no one is in jail for marijuana possession alone. And since taking office, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have led the most significant federal reform to our nation’s approach to marijuana in history.”

“Donald Trump opposes marijuana reform and, as president, made the failed approach worse,”

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