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Massachusetts Campaign Turns In Final Signatures To Put Psychedelics Legalization On The November Ballot

A Massachusetts campaign has officially turned in a final batch of signatures to put a psychedelics legalization initiative on the state’s November ballot after lawmakers declined to enact the reform legislatively—and activists say they’re confident they’ve secured enough petitions to qualify.

After previously turning in an initial round of signatures that forced legislators to consider the reform, and they declined to advance it, the campaign Massachusetts for Mental Health Options (MMHO) has now submitted another 14,000 signatures to secure ballot placement.

“The support from Massachusetts residents has been overwhelming, we are thrilled to be on the ballot this year,” Emily Oneschuk, a veteran and grassroots outreach director for MMHO, said in a press release on Wednesday. “Massachusetts veterans have been advocating for this type of care for years, it’s time to make it accessible and affordable for them and other struggling Massachusetts residents.”

This comes about a month after the legislature’s Special Joint Committee on Ballot Initiatives issued a majority report that formally recommended against passing the measure as drafted. The panel previously held a hearing to gain expert feedback on the proposal.

The report acknowledged that a growing body of scientific literature shows psychedelics such as psilocybin “may be

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