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North Dakota Marijuana Legalization Ballot Initiative Leads In New Poll, But Sizable Undecided Vote Keeps It Below A Majority

A marijuana legalization initiative on North Dakota’s November ballot is ahead in a new poll—but without the majority support needed to pass at this point due to a sizable share of voters who remain undecided on the reform.

The survey, conducted by the firm WPA Intelligence, found that a 45 percent plurality back the legalization measure, compared to 40 percent who are opposed and 15 percent who say they don’t know how they will vote.

With just weeks before Election Day, the results signal that the New Economic Frontier campaign behind the initiative still has work to do if they hope to secure a majority of the vote to enact it. Still, the poll is more encouraging for advocates than another survey released in August that found sizable majority opposition to the measure.

The new WPA Intelligence poll, first reported by the North Dakota News Cooperative, involved interviews with 500 North Dakota voters from September 28-30, with a 4.4 percentage point margin of error.

This also comes amid a stepped-up opposition push, with the North Dakota’s Medical Association, Hospital Association, Peace Officers Association, Chiefs of Police Association and Sheriffs and Deputies Association all recently coming out against the measure.

Meanwhile, North

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