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Wisconsin Governor Wants To Let Voters Legalize Marijuana By Putting It On The Ballot, As GOP Legislature Blocks Reform

The governor of Wisconsin says residents of the state should be allowed to propose new laws by putting binding questions on the ballot—citing the fact that issues such as marijuana legalization enjoy sizable bipartisan support while the GOP-controlled legislature has repeatedly refused to act.

Gov. Tony Evers (D) said during a press conference that he will be including a proposal in his 2025-27 biennial budget to give citizens the right to put forward ballot initiative to enact statutory or constitutional policy changes if a majority of voters approve them.

“The will of the people should be the law of the land. Republican lawmakers have repeatedly worked to put constitutional amendments on the ballot that Republicans drafted, and Republicans passed, all while Republicans refuse to give that same power to the people of Wisconsin. And that’s wrong,” he said.

“Republican lawmakers shouldn’t be able to ignore the will of the people and then prevent the people from having a voice when the Legislature fails to listen,” he said. “That has to change. If Republican lawmakers are going to continue to try and legislate by constitutional amendment, then they should give the people that same power and that’s what I’ll be asking

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