Indiana Republican lawmakers have rejected the latest Democratic-led attempt to legalize marijuana in the state.
Rep. Kyle Miller (D) sought to remove cannabis from the state’s list of controlled substances through an amendment to a broader bill that’s focused on adding certain drugs to the statute. But following a brief debate, the House ruled the amendment out of order.
“This was an opportunity to start the conversation about the possibility of legalizing marijuana in our state, and House Republicans have signaled they aren’t interested in bringing hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue to Indiana,” Miller said.
After the amendment was raised on the floor on Monday, the GOP presiding officer deemed the proposal out of order on the basis that it violated a rule stipulating that no bill can be amended “by annexing to it or incorporating with it any other bill pending before the House.”
It’s not clear how the amendment to simply strike cannabis from the controlled substances list violates the rule, but the House voted 66-29 to uphold the chair’s ruling on the bill.
“Normally, when we have arguments over bill pending, you have an amendment that has a lot of identical language, or very similar
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