Following the decriminalization of marijuana in Chicago, authorities wanted to remind people that while cannabis might be legal in the state, it isn’t legal in others, much less on flights.
That being the case, the Chicago Police Department added some bright green amnesty boxes to two of the city’s main airports, where people were free to put their weed and leave the state, facing no repercussions.
The catch? No one uses them.
“The boxes, placed at the end of every TSA (Transportation Security Administration) checkpoint at both O’Hare and Midway, were in place once the new cannabis law went into effect on Jan. 1, 2020.
The boxes are where travellers can safely dispose of cannabis and cannabis products prior to travel, as they still remain illegal under federal law,” Maggie Huynh, a spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department, told USA Today back in 2020.
Read full article on The Growth Op