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Americans want cannabis regulated less than e-cars & social media (Newsletter: January 30, 2023)

Congress eyes fed-state drug policy “gulf”; VA psilocybin bill advances; Mexican senator’s psychedelics plan; MA sales top $4 billion

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The Congressional Research Service said in a new report that the increasing number of state psychedelics reforms being enacted contributes to a “growing gulf” between federal and state drug policies that’s already widening due to marijuana legalization.

A new poll found that U.S. voters think marijuana should be less strictly regulated—while also wanting to see tougher rules placed on electric cars, social media and cryptocurrencies.

A Mexican senator announced plans to file a bill to legalize psychedelics for therapeutic use—and U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) sent a video message for a Senate-hosted event saying he looks “forward to being your American partner” in

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