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Arizona Governor Signs Budget Deal That Includes $5 Million For Psilocybin Research Grants

The governor of Arizona has signed into law budget legislation that includes provisions to fund research into the medical potential of psilocybin mushrooms for a variety of conditions.

Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) gave final approval to the appropriations package on Thursday, just hours after it cleared the legislature.

Lawmakers introduced a standalone psilocybin bill, which unanimously passed one House committee in February, but they reached an agreement to have its provisions attached to the budget deal instead, albeit at a lower funding level than originally proposed.

The proposal is being enacted through two complementary bills that the governor signed: one that will provide $5 million in funding for psilocybin research and another that details requirements for the clinical trials that those dollars will support.

“The GOP has often fought for medical freedom, opposing FDA overregulation and pushing for ‘Right-to-try’ laws,” Rep. Kevin Payne (R), prime sponsor of the legislation, said in a press release. “Arizonans, especially veterans, deserve alternatives to dangerous and addictive prescriptions. This bill will help.”

Yesterday, I signed a bipartisan budget into law. While it isn’t perfect, it’s an important step towards making housing more affordable, building more roads, bridges and broadband access, expanding children’s health

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