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California Cannabis Repeal? A Humboldt County Study

It’s no secret that the cannabis industry is on a steep decline in a variety of states, including California. We have time and again written about the specific woes plaguing the California cannabis industry. High taxes, a staggering credit crunch and collections problems, receiverships, rampant local prohibition, overregulation by the state, and the raging illegal market are just a few. Now, queue the California cannabis voters who may have initially supported this democratic experiment but are now thinking twice about local laws and rules permitting commercial cannabis activity in their borders. Cannabis repeal may be on the horizon.

Cannabis NIMBYs

The term “Not In My Backyard” neighbor (“NIMBY“) has obvious negative connotations. Of course, cannabis NIMBYs are not unique to California. They’re everywhere in cannabis.

Years ago, we wrote a post about how to deal with them and their tactics. See here. Essentially, NIMBYs thrive on confrontation and manufacturing lots of arguments to eliminate or stop progress when it comes to cannabis business development. They’ll even go so far as to form plaintiff groups to sue local government and cannabis businesses on any possible grounds, including (and usually) alleged environmental issues or violations of due process rights in the creation

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