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Cannabis and Gun Rights: Predictions for the Future

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Big federal law changes in cannabis regulation are on the horizon. One area where I expect a lot of movement in the coming years is with respect to gun rights. I write on this topic fairly extensively, and you can see my links below. Today I want to talk about what changes I think are on the horizon.

Before I give my predictions, I want to summarize the state of the law. If you’re looking for more of a deep dive, I again encourage you to check out my posts below.

Today, what I’ll say is that federal law prohibits gun purchases and ownership by a person who is an “unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance” under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Anyone who buys a gun must fill out an ATF form certifying that they do not meet this criteria, even in states where marijuana is legal. If a person lies on the form, they face felony charges. This is one of the allegations leveled against Hunter Biden. If a person says they use marijuana on the form, they cannot buy a gun and the gun seller cannot sell them

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