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Cannabis grow hidden in warehouse takes police five days to dismantle

Twelve people have been arrested following the discovery of nearly 6,000 cannabis plants in a U.K. warehouse.

“Criminals who grow cannabis in the heart of our communities care only about making money. They are not bothered about the risks of fire they bring to neighbouring properties, or the violence associated with drug dealing that might be brought to the area they set their farms up in,” Brown continued.

Recreational cannabis remains illegal in the U.K., where it is categorized as a Class B drug alongside ketamine, amphetamines, codeine, and barbiturates.

A conviction for the supply and production of a Class B drug can lead to penalties of up to 14 years in jail, an unlimited fine, or both.

In September, a 47-year-old man in Liverpool was arrested after growing cannabis around the corner from a local police station.

The man left his

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