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Colorado Ballot Initiative Would Let Marijuana Consumers Get Concealed Carry Permits For Guns

A proposed ballot measure in Colorado would remove marijuana use as a disqualification for concealed carry permits in the state, potentially allowing people who use the drug to carry concealed firearms in public.

The measure, backed by the advocacy group Guns for Everyone, is set for a public hearing on Tuesday morning before the state’s Legislative Council Staff (LCS). After that meeting and any subsequent revisions to the proposal’s text, the campaign would need to file the would-be initiative with the secretary of state before activists could begin gathering the required 124,238 valid voter signatures required to qualify for the 2024 ballot.

Guns for Everyone co-founder Edgar Antillon said he’s confident the campaign will find broad support among the state’s voters.

“I think this is one of those things that most Coloradans are in favor of,” he told ABC affiliate Denver 7. “It’s a freedom that everybody should have access to.”

The Second Amendment advocacy group, which offers free concealed carry classes to people in the state and typically opposes gun control measures, sees the issue as a matter of both freedom and fairness.

“It’s one of those silly things that’s been going on for a while,” Antillon said. “We

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