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EU Marijuana Legalization: A Wave is Coming

Exciting developments lie ahead for European Union (EU) marijuana legalization. It is inevitable that marijuana legalization sweeps the globe–if you haven’t seen it yet, please watch our webinar with Clifford Chance about the existing global economy of marijuana. The question is just one of timing.

In Germany, as one prominent example, we’re looking at legalization for adult use within the next two years. Earlier this month, the country began down the long road of legalization by concluding public hearings with stakeholders, countries that already have legalization, industry experts, and those groups opposed to legalization. The world will likely see a German legalization bill sometime this year. It’s not just Germany though. The stage is being set for a EU marijuana legalization wave.

This is a big deal internationally

The conclusion of these hearings in Germany is a big deal since Germany represents the EU’s largest economy (and the fourth largest worldwide by nominal GDP). Legalization by such an economic powerhouse will undoubtedly spur change across other EU countries. Similar to the U.S. states, it seems that other European nations are mainly waiting on the right legalization roadmap from a given country in order to follow suit.

Based on the hearings

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