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Florida Marijuana Campaign Releases Four Ads To Build Support For Legalization Ballot Initiative Amid Underwhelming Polls

As recent polling shows a Florida marijuana legalization ballot initiative coming up short on support for passage, the campaign behind the measure has released four new ads to educate voters and help close the gap ahead of the November election.

Smart & Safe Florida said on Tuesday that the ads will air statewide across “broadcast, cable, streaming, radio and digital platforms.”

The campaign said the ads feature Florida voters, “including moms, businesspeople, and a former law enforcement officer and Vietnam War veteran,” who “believe adult Floridians deserve the individual freedom to consume safe, regulated marijuana.”

For the initial ad buy, the campaign spent more than $5 million. One of the ads in one minute long, while the other three are 30-second spots.

“Vote Yes”

“More than half of Americans already enjoy access to safe, regulated marijuana and we believe Floridians deserve that same freedom. Our campaign in support of Amendment 3 is in full swing and we’re excited to continue connecting with voters through to November.”

— Smart & Safe Florida (@SmartandSafeFl) May 14, 2024

This ad includes several speakers and highlights how cannabis is already available in Florida on the illegal market, saying that it is “produced

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