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German Marijuana Clubs Can Now Officially Launch Under Country’s Legalization Law, Though States Have Varying Rules

German cannabis clubs can now officially begin applying to launch operations—the latest step in the rollout of the country’s marijuana legalization law.

While local officials began accepting applications for prospective marijuana cooperatives on Monday, it may still be some time before members can start obtaining cannabis under the country’s legalization law, with individual states free to set certain rules for the facilities.

It became legal in Germany for adults to possess and cultivate marijuana for personal use in April, but there’s been no means of legally obtaining cannabis otherwise.

The social clubs—which can each have up to 500 members and sell up to 50 grams of marijuana per person each month—represent the latest iteration of the law.

The cannabis social clubs “are an important part of the fight against the black market,” Carmen Wegge, a lawmaker with the Social Democratic Party (SPD) said in a social media post on Monday, according to a translation. “Even if you don’t have a particularly green thumb, a CSC is certainly a good alternative.”

Guten Morgen zum 1. Juli 2024. Ab heute können die ersten Anträge für die Cannabis Anbauvereinigungen gestellt werden. Sie sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil im Kampf gegen den Schwarzmarkt. Auch

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