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GOP Congressman Says Marijuana Rescheduling And Banking Reform Would ‘Prop Up’ An ‘Immoral Industry’

A GOP congressman who represents California is condemning the Biden administration’s push to reschedule marijuana, as well as legislative efforts to enact bipartisan cannabis banking reform, because he says the policy changes would “prop up this immoral industry” and give a “green light to the evil that comes from drug use.”

In a brief speech on the House floor on Monday, Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) took aim at the two incremental cannabis reform proposals, while also claiming that marijuana use is linked to increased dependency on welfare benefits.

The Justice Department’s proposed rule to move cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) represents a step “towards legalizing marijuana by attempting to reclassify it as a lower category drug,” the congressman said, adding that he considers the administrative rulemaking process means of “going around Congress.”

“If enacted, this would increase the use of an already dangerous substance,” LaMalfa argued. While rescheduling would allow licensed cannabis businesses to take federal tax deductions they’re barred from under the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code known as 280E and also remove certain research barriers, it would not legalize the plant, so it’s unclear what he means by suggesting it

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