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It’s Hypocritical To Ban Marijuana While Allowing Alcohol, Florida Legalization Campaign Says In New Ad

The campaign behind a Florida marijuana legalization ballot initiative has rolled out a pair of new ads as the election approaches—one calling out the hypocrisy of criminalizing cannabis while alcohol is legally available and another featuring a county sheriff making the case for ending marijuana prohibition.

Smart & Safe Florida has been churning out numerous ads in recent weeks, while promoting endorsements from officials and organizations meant to underscore the marijuana measure’s bipartisan appeal. For its latest, it focused on one of the most common pro-reform arguments; that is, it doesn’t make sense to ban adult-use cannabis when alcohol is legal, especially considering the relative harms of each substance.

“You can walk into any store in Florida and buy beer, but you’d be locked up for buying marijuana,” a supporter says in the ad titled “Different” that was released on Tuesday. “It’s actually safer than alcohol, but the government treats it totally different. It doesn’t make sense.”

“Amendment 3 will legalize marijuana for adults—safe, lab-tested and from a store, not the street,” he says. “It’s time to give responsible adults the freedom to make their own choices. Vote yes on Amendment 3.”

For what it’s worth, most

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