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Join Us at KushCon 2022 in Tampa, Florida

It’s almost time for KushCon Tampa!

Browse more than 400 booths from leading hemp brands, learn about the latest in wellness and alternative health, take in sessions with industry professionals from across the globe, and network with the biggest players in the game.

#KushConTampa is your opportunity to network with and learn from the biggest names in the legal hemp, CBD, and wellness industry.

BUY TICKETS HERE Harris Bricken Attorney Fred Rocafort will be presenting at KushCon on Intellectual Property in the Cannabis Industry. Fred’s session will help cannabis and hemp entrepreneurs protect the brand into which they have put blood, sweat, and tears, with a particular focus on the protection of their intellectual property (IP) rights. Participants will gain a practical understanding of what constitutes IP, why it is critical for businesses to protect their IP, and how they can best do so. Special attention will be given to cannabis- and hemp-specific issues that come up when registering and enforcing IP rights. August 6th, 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm Meeting Room 123

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