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Latest trials confirm the benefits of MDMA — the drug in ecstasy — for treating PTSD

It is important to state that using ecstasy or molly products from the street would not help PTSD symptoms because the MDMA needs be used along with carefully crafted psychotherapy in a safe, controlled environment. Ecstasy or molly products purchased illicitly never specify the exact amount of MDMA they contain, so it is impossible to dose it properly for PTSD. Taking too much MDMA or exercising while taking MDMA can cause heart attacks, strokes, seizures and arrhythmias and can damage muscles and kidneys.

What is MDMA-assisted psychotherapy?

In an MDMA-assisted psychotherapy session, patients take MDMA as a pill upon entering a psychiatrist’s office and then work with a team of therapists who help them divulge traumatic events or discuss aspects of those events over the course of several hours. They usually have non-MDMA sessions before the first MDMA session so they know what to expect. And they have at least one non-MDMA session

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