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Lawmakers, Governor And Advocates Share Mixed Reactions To Federal Marijuana Rescheduling Recommendation From Top Health Agency

News that the top U.S. health agency is formally recommending the moving marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III under federal law has ignited a firestorm of commentary from top officials, including the governor of Colorado, congressional lawmakers and national advocacy groups.

A letter that leaked on Wednesday revealed that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has completed its scientific review into cannabis and is now advising the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to significantly loosen restrictions under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

The recommendation is being met with mixed reactions. While many are encouraged that HHS is proposing a reform that would have major implications for cannabis research, while also giving marijuana businesses the ability to make federal tax deductions, others say Schedule III does not go far enough, as cannabis would remain federally illegal, and could even have negative implications.

Both HHS and DEA have confirmed to Marijuana Moment that the letter was sent and received. But while there’s significant excitement about the development, nothing is final about the scheduling decision. DEA said it “will now initiate its review” taking into account FDA’s findings, but it makes the final call and isn’t required to follow through

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