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Lockhart, Texas Puts Marijuana Decriminalization On Ballot After City Officials Allegedly Sought To Undermine Reform

Local lawmakers in Lockhart, Texas have officially placed a marijuana decriminalization initiative on the ballot—reaching a compromise with activists after the city attorney attempted to revise the proposal in a way that supporters worried would face legal challenges and potentially upend the reform.

Advocates with Ground Game Texas and the Mano Amiga Responsible Implementation (MARI) turned in signatures to qualify the cannabis initiative for ballot placement late last month. But members of the Lockhart City Council were presented with alternative language that would’ve broken the measure up into 13 separate questions that voters would’ve had to individually decide on at the ballot.

Following a hearing on Monday, however, there was an agreement to reach a compromise, with the council approving a revised version of the Lockhart Freedom Act in a 6-1 vote that maintains its core language in a singular form.

“From the start, this ballot initiative has been a community effort,” Catina Voellinger, Ground Game Texas executive director, said in a press release on Tuesday. “Last night, Lockhart citizens engaged in the democratic process by telling their local representatives that the language at the ballot must be clear and easily understood. City Council has heeded those demands in putting

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