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Logan Paul recounts ‘nasty withdrawals’ after quitting cannabis

YouTuber Logan Paul says he has been experiencing “nasty withdrawals” since quitting cannabis.

That didn’t happen.

Instead, Paul put on his suit, attended the party for 10 minutes, then returned home, throwing up five times along the way.

It marks the third New Year’s Eve in a row that Paul has been sick, leading him to come up with a theory.

“Perhaps life has made the beginning of the past few years a nightmare for me so I appreciate the remaining 364 days. I consider it an involuntary ‘reset.’ Having been physically and mentally humbled (again), it’s only up from here,” he wrote.

A study published in the journal Addiction last year focused on cannabis withdrawal symptoms in people using medical cannabis for chronic pain.

Researchers found that that 59 per cent percent of study participants experienced moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms if they

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