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Man involved in failed, but deadly, cannabis robbery sentenced to 17 years

A 30-year-old man has been sentenced to 17 years in federal prison in connection with a fatal robbery attempt more than four years ago.

Citing court documents, the office reports that the man and co-conspirators attempted the robbery at various times in November of 2017, but all failed. It was then decided that the group would steal the marijuana “by force by way of an armed robbery.”

They tried to do so on or about Nov. 18 into Nov. 19, 2017, but the plan did not unfold as intended.

After gathering at a home in Flint, with some co-conspirators carrying firearms, the now-sentenced man and some others drove to a nearby gas station to get enough fuel to make the trip to Sanilac County and to buy items needed for the robbery, including two boxes of lawn and leaf bags to package the weed.

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