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Maryland’s Marijuana Legalization Referendum Could Drive Strong Voter Turnout, Poll Indicates

Maryland’s marijuana legalization referendum enjoys strong majority support, another poll has found. And importantly, a large swath of unlikely voters said they were more motivated to vote after learning that cannabis reform was on the ballot.

The Yes on 4 campaign released the results of the internal poll, which was conducted by Sojourn Strategies and Victoria Research, on Thursday. At a top level, it found that 69 percent of eligible voters in the state back the referendum question, which would trigger complementary legislation to implement marijuana regulations if approved.

In a separate question, 59 percent of respondents said they have a “strong” interest in enacting cannabis legalization.

But the campaign is especially touting results demonstrating that learning about the inclusion of cannabis reform on the ballot can drive turnout from voters who might not otherwise show up on Election Day.

Among respondents who described themselves as unlikely, 50-50 percent likely or probable voters, 61 percent said that they were more likely to vote knowing that legalization was on the ballot. Together, those groups make up 13 percent of the people polled.

Via Yes on 4.

Put another way, nearly 10 percent of the potential electorate said they are more likely

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