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Measurement Standards Group To Vote On Adding Cannabis Moisture Loss Proposal To Federal Handbook

Members at this year’s annual meeting of the National Conference of Weights and Measures (NCWM) are set to vote this week on a proposal concerning acceptable moisture loss in cannabis plant material, a limit meant to protect patients and consumers from buying packages that weigh less than advertised. If the item it approved, it will be added to a federal standards handbook.

The proposal would provide national guidance to both hemp and marijuana markets despite marijuana remaining illegal at the federal level.

Set for a vote at NCWM’s annual meeting on Wednesday, the plan would establish a 3 percent tolerance limit for moisture in cannabis, allowing the net weight of cannabis packages to fall slightly as the result of moisture loss.

The 3 percent threshold is similar to that for other products, like flour or dry pasta, though the cannabis proposal would allow only moisture loss, not absorption of moisture that would increase net weight.

“As written, there would be no limit to going over the declared weight of the package,” Charlie Rutherford, co-chair of NCWM’s Cannabis Task Group, told Marijuana Moment in an email.

The proposal is aimed at accounting for moisture loss that occurs after marijuana and hemp

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