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Missouri Lawmakers Criticize Marijuana Regulations Meant To Limit Products’ Appeal To Kids

“What we’re saying is these [rules] aren’t rationally related to protecting kids, and they are not something that you have authority to do under our constitution.”

By Rebecca Rivas, Missouri Independent

A panel of Missouri lawmakers has spent several hours in recent weeks debating whether or not aliens and robots should be banned on marijuana product labels.

Humans, animals and fruits are already not allowed—an effort by the state to keep products out of the hands of children. But would robots fall under that ban?

“In my opinion, a robot is not encompassed within the definition of a human or the shape of a human,” said Sen. Nick Schroer, a St. Charles Republican who is chair of the bipartisan legislative Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, during an October committee meeting. “Any alien that I’ve seen doesn’t look like a human being.”

Division of Cannabis Regulation Director Amy Moore countered that some robots and aliens look like humans and some don’t. And it’s up to cannabis regulators, she said, to make the call.

The robot debate is part of an ongoing power struggle between the division and the committee over one line in the constitutional amendment that legalized recreational marijuana last

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