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Missouri Marijuana Legalization Ballot Initiative Leads In New Poll, But With Less Than 50 Percent

A plurality of very likely Missouri voters support a marijuana legalization initiative that will appear on the November ballot, according to a new poll, but it also shows that nearly one out of five people are still undecided on the measure.

The survey from Emerson College Polling and The Hill found that just under half (48 percent) of voters back Amendment 3, while 35 percent are opposed and 17 percent are unsure.

There’s been mixed polling on the Legal Missouri 2022 measure since the state certified it for the ballot, and this latest survey falls somewhere near the middle. It shows opportunities for supporters and opponents to convince a sizable swath of undecided voters to get on their side ahead of Election Day.

Via ECP/The Hill.

Support for the initiative was strongest among Democrats (70 percent), younger people aged 18-34 (63 percent) and 35-49 (65 percent), Biden voters (69 percent) and Black voters (57 percent).

That last finding is notable given that pro-legalization advocates who oppose the specific initiative have argued that a main problem with the proposal is that it doesn’t adequately address racial equity through opportunities to enter the legal industry. Yet among racial groups, Black people are

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