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More Americans Smoke Marijuana Every Day Than Drink Alcohol On A Daily Basis, Poll Shows

A new poll finds that more Americans smoke marijuana on a daily basis than drink alcohol every day—and that alcohol drinkers are more likely to say they would benefit from limiting their use than cannabis consumers are.

U.S. adults who drink alcohol are nearly three times as likely to say they’d be better off reducing their intake of the drug compared to marijuana consumers who said they’d benefit from using their preferred substance less often, the survey found.

It also says that while lifetime and monthly alcohol drinking among adults was far more common than cannabis use, daily marijuana consumption was slightly more popular than daily drinking.

Meanwhile, 60 percent of adults said they think marijuana use should be legal in the U.S., while 76 percent of people said consuming alcohol should be legal. Among people who’d used either substance, feelings toward legality were about the same—81 percent of people who’d ever used alcohol said it should be permitted, and 79 percent of people who’d ever tried marijuana said consumption should be allowed.

The survey, conducted by YouGov, polled 1,116 U.S. adults from June 7-10. Of those, 84 percent said they’d ever used alcohol, while fewer than half (48 percent)

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