Nebraska activists are putting out an urgent call for voters to sign petitions to place a pair of medical marijuana legalization initiatives on the state’s November ballot, with just under four weeks left to collect about 30,000 more signatures to qualify each measure.
Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana (NMM) said in an email blast on Thursday that while they prioritized meeting a requirement to gather signatures from at least five percent of voters in a minimum of 38 counties across the state, they now need supporters to rally to hit the overall statewide signature threshold.
“We made the counties our main focus because they require a great deal of time and resources that cannot wait until the last minute,” Crista Eggers, NMM’s campaign manager, said. “We have the counties, but we have an urgent need to collect bulk signatures.”
“There is no doubt we are farther ahead than in past petition drives, but still have a tremendous push to gather over 30,000 signatures on each petition over the next 27 days to assure we are successful,” she said.
The campaign needs to collect a total of 87,000 valid signatures for each of the two measures by July 3 in order to
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