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Nebraska Medical Marijuana Activists Need 12,000 More Signatures By Wednesday’s Deadline To Put Legalization On The Ballot

Nebraska activists are making a final push to put a pair of medical marijuana legalization initiatives on the November ballot, urging voters to add their names to petitions with just two days left to collect about 12,000 signatures before a turn-in deadline.

Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana (NMM) said last month that they needed about 30,000 more signatures to secure ballot placement. Now, with just two days before a submission deadline on Wednesday, the amount still needed is a little less than half that—so the task seems steep.

The campaign had prioritized meeting a requirement to gather signatures from at least five percent of voters in a minimum of 38 counties across the state, and activists previously said they were successful to that end. Now it’s down to the total statewide count, as they need 87,000 valid signatures for each of the two measures.

There are at least a dozen locations across the state where people can sign the petitions on Monday.

“We’re calling on all Nebraskans like you to go sign, and then reach out to 10 neighbors, coworkers, family members or friends and tell them to sign,” NMM said in an email blast to supporters on Monday.

“Come find

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