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New York Cannabis: Notable CAURD Application Attestations

During the submission of the Conditional Adult Use Retail Dispensary (“CAURD”) application, applicants are required to submit and certify several attestations prior to final submission of an application. These attestations must be sworn to and initialed by the applicant (if an individual), a managing member of the applicant (if a limited liability company), an officer of the applicant (if a corporation), or all partners of the applicant (if a partnership).

Some of the attestations are run of the mill (e.g., that the applicant will not sell cannabis to persons under 21 years of age and will submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of New York State). However, there are several notable attestations that may influence: 1) an applicant’s decision on completing their application for a CAURD License and 2) how the applicant will run their business if awarded a CAURD License. Any breach of these attestations may result in the revocation of the CAURD license. A breach may also prevent the ability of the entity or any listed owners to be granted any adult-use cannabis license in the future.

Attestation # 1 – The applicant agrees to accept the location of a dispensary should one be assigned to the

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