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New York CAURD: License Application Scoring and Selection – Part 2

We recently examined the Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”) scoring criteria for eligible Conditional Adult-Use Retail Dispensary (“CAURD”) applicants. Provided certain minimum requirements are met, the top scoring applicants who rank a given region as their first preference will be selected for a provisional license in that region– up to the number of allocated licenses in that region.

The foregoing is vital because CAURD applicants cannot otherwise select their own real estate or region. Instead, regions are selected by the OCM. This begs the questions: 1) what regions can I select, and 2) how can I beat the competition for my preferred region?

During the application for a CAURD license, applicants are able to select up to five (5) regional preferences from the fourteen (14) listed regions within the State of New York for a dispensary location. The allocations for each region will be announced at a later date. The regions of New York State are: Bronx, Brooklyn, Capital Region, Central NY, Finger Lakes, Long Island, Manhattan, Mid-Hudson, Mohawk Valley, North Country, Queens, Richmond, Southern Tier, and Western NY.

Within each region, applicants will be ranked by scores, as described in the Scoring Criteria detailed here. The top scoring applicants

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