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New York’s Retail Dispensary Build-Out Requirements

Without much fanfare, the Dormitory Authority – State of New York (or DASNY) issued a request for proposal (RFP) for design-build services for conditional adult-use retail dispensaries (CAURDs). DASNY included a concept program (see Addendum 3) that details the build-out requirements for retail dispensaries selected as part of the CAURD social equity program. The Cannabis Control Board (CCB) recently announced that DASNY received more than 20 bids from design-build firms. Yes, we know, there are a lot of acronyms here.

The RFP very specifically applies only to design-build firms interested in bidding on CAURD build-out contracts. But from a big-picture perspective, the RFP is the first clear indication of what the CCB and Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) envision for adult-use retail dispensaries in New York.

Of course there is no guarantee that the forthcoming rules and regulations for adult-use retail dispensaries will include requirements identical to those detailed in the RFP. But as I explain below, the build-out requirements track a lot of the general operational requirements listed in the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA). It’s our bet that the rules and regulations stick pretty closely to the RFP’s concept program.

So without further adieu, here is some

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