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Ohio Activists Turn In Signatures To Put Marijuana Legalization On November Ballot

Ohio activists have turned in what they say are more than enough signatures to qualify a marijuana legalization initiative for the state’s November ballot.

After the legislature declined to take the opportunity to enact the reform during a court-imposed window this session, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol (CTRMLA) turned in a batch of more than 220,000 signatures to the secretary of state’s office on Wednesday to put the issue before voters later this year.

This represents the second group of signatures that activists have submitted to the state in order to qualify the measure. The first round triggered a four-month legislative review period that lawmakers could have used to act on the issue—but they didn’t, which allowed the campaign to begin collecting the second half of the petitions they needed to make the ballot. The latest batch needs to contain at least 124,046 valid signatures from registered voters.

Based on the volume of signatures and the results of internal verifications, the campaign is confident they’ve met that requirement.

Activists initially worked to put the legalization initiative on last year’s ballot, but procedural complications prevented that from happening. Activists turned in enough signatures to trigger the legislative review, but

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