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Pennsylvania Governor Proposes Marijuana Legalization In Budget So State Can “Catch Up” With “Friggin’ Ohio”

Pennsylvania’s governor says he’s “sick and tired of losing to friggin’ Ohio” on issues such as marijuana legalization, and he’s calling on the legislature to deliver him a cannabis bill so the commonwealth can “catch up” with neighboring states by launching legal adult-use sales that would bring in an estimated $14.8 million in tax revenue in the first year of implementation.

He also proposed including expungements provisions to “right some of the wrongs” of prohibition.

In a budget address on Tuesday, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) talked about how voters in neighboring Ohio approved a legalization initiative at the ballot last November as an example of “where we’re falling behind other states.” A staffer in his office made similar remarks shortly after the Ohio vote.

“Now Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Delaware  and Maryland—practically all of our neighbors—have legalized marijuana,” the governor said in his budget speech. “We’re losing out on an industry that, once fully implemented, would bring in more than 250 million dollars in annual revenue. And our failure to legalize and regulate this only fuels the black market and drains much needed resources for law enforcement.”

“It’s time to catch up. I ask you to come together

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