Latest The Brave New Weed Podcast episodes
258: The weed giggles

259: Opt-Out Report 2022

260: Amazon bans weed grinders

Bonus: Small business owners give back

261: An analysis of the President's pardon

223: High for the holidays

222: Protection for Oakland

221: Leafly Strain of the Year

220: Resisting colonial nonsense

219: Danksgiving pt 1

218: The unpredicted legalization bill

The Brave New Weed Podcast
As each day passes, the potential and promise of marijuana get clearer. As science pulverizes myth and folklore is replaced by evidence, everything about the much-maligned plan seems up for grabs. Brave New Weed Podcast firmly represents the voice of the post-prohibition era. The discussions are always fearless, fun, and informative, hosted by author Joe Dolce together with co-host Matthew Hendershot. The key focus of this podcast is on the pristine natural healing power of THC and CBD. But, the stories and topics are expanded appropriately to capture the cultural zeitgeist of the day.
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