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Police recruits in New Orleans will no longer be disqualified for past cannabis use

The New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) has made a change to its policy as a way of attracting new police officers.

Historically, NOPD recruits were disqualified if they admitted to using marijuana, but as of Sept. 19, the department unanimously agreed to relax that policy.

According to, the new policy makes it clear that new recruits won’t be disqualified over weed use within the past year, but they still must pass a drug test before getting the job. If accepted, officers must not use drugs while on the force, the website reports.

New Orleans is currently experiencing a low number of police officers and high levels of crime. The imbalance seems prompted by COVID-19 and the department reports having fewer than 1,000 cops for the first time in decades.

With regards to crime, homicides have reportedly soared 141 per cent over the years. New Orleans

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