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Senator Files ‘DOOBIE Act’ To Prevent Agencies From Using Past Marijuana Use To Deny Employment And Security Clearances

A Democratic senator has introduced a bill to limit the ability of federal agencies to use past marijuana use as a factor in making employment and security clearance decisions, titling it the Dismantling Outdated Obstacles and Barriers to Individual Employment, or DOOBIE, Act.

Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) filed the legislation last week, offering the latest legislative attempt to ensure that a person’s eligibility for the federal workforce is not negatively impacted just because they’re previously consumed cannabis.

The DOOBIE Act, a play on a term used to refer to a marijuana joint, states that covered agencies “may not base a suitability determination with respect to an individual solely on the past use of marijuana by the individual.” The White House Office of Personnel Management (OPM) would also need to adopt that policy.

The bill further says that “the head of a Federal agency may not base a determination that a covered person is ineligible for a security clearance solely on the past use of marijuana by the covered person.”

They additionally could not use prior cannabis use to deny a personal identity verification credential, which enables federal workers to access various facilities and information.

Also under the proposal, the Director

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