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Super Bowl champ Jim McMahon to host cannabis-friendly, celebrity golf tournament

Johnny Damon, Jeremy Roenick and Rollie Fingers are just a few of the athletes who will be competing in the Gridiron Greats Celebrity Golf Classic hosted by two-time Super Bowl champ Jim McMahon.

Backed by the Revenant cannabis brand, the tournament will be hosted at Arizona’s Anthem Golf and Country Club next month, reports AZ Marijuana.

According to the event website, the purpose of the tournament is to host “the first-ever, cannabis-friendly charity event attached to the NFL.”

“Our goal is to utilize our platform to send a strong message to the NFL, and other sports organizations that fail to recognize cannabis for medicinal purposes, and the benefits it may provide their athletes,” McMahon said a statement.

Proceeds from the charity tournament will benefit The Gridiron Greats Assistance Fund, a non-profit that “assists retired NFL players and their families in dire-need situations,” including medical, housing

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