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Thailand Decriminalizes Cannabis, But Not Really

As of yesterday, June 9, 2022, the home cultivation of low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabis in Thailand is legal. The government is giving away free plants to boot! This constitutes a milestone for cannabis reform in the country and the region at large, but the Thai changes fall short of the “decriminalization” widely touted in the press.

For one, cannabis products with a THC content exceeding 0.2% continue to be illegal. In that sense, Thailand’s “decriminalization” is akin to the removal of hemp from the legal definition of marijuana in the United States, as a result of the 2018 Farm Bill. In any case, the 0.2% cutoff is way too low: Even in the United States there are efforts to raise the analogous limit to 1.0%.

In addition, the recreational use of cannabis remains illegal, even in the case of low-THC cannabis. The Thai authorities have issued clear warnings in this regard, with the country’s health minister telling tourists to stay away if they are looking “to smoke joints freely.” Hardly the stuff of which Thai Stick dreams are made.

Despite these limitations, the changes are a step in the right direction for Thailand. The legalization of home cultivation should facilitate

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