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Ukrainian Officials Approve List Of Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions Under Country’s New Legalization Law

The Ukrainian government has approved a list of health conditions that will qualify patients for medical marijuana under the country’s cannabis law that was enacted by President Volodymyr Zelensky last month.

On Friday, Ukraine’s Ministry of Health revealed a list of about 20 qualifying conditions for which medical cannabis can be prescribed to patients, while noting that additional conditions could be added down the line if it’s deemed medically appropriate.

Those conditions include multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, shingles, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, complications from chemotherapy, Parkinson’s disease, childhood epilepsy and weight loss associated with eating disorders. The ministry also noted that a medical advisory committee could approve additional conditions in the future.

While Zelensky and other officials have said access to medical cannabis can help soldiers address physical and mental wounds incurred during the nation’s ongoing war with Russia, it doesn’t appear that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is currently a qualifying condition, despite some supporters suggesting as much as the medical marijuana bill moved through the legislative process.

“Taking a medicinal product based on cannabis should be stopped if the desired therapeutic effect is not obtained within 4-12 weeks or in case of serious adverse reactions (including those related to

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