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New bill would allow edibles to be treated as medical marijuana in Pennsylvania dispensaries

A new bill in Pennsylvania aims to include cannabis edibles in the list of medical marijuana products available to patients. Currently, cannabis patients only have access to tinctures, pills, oils, topicals and flower.

Laughlin also said that, if the bill were to pass, dispensaries and responsible parties would test the edibles for their potency and would also package these products in child-proof containers, making them as safe as possible for families.

Cannabis dispensaries and caregivers in Pennsylvania are only allowed to include medical marijuana in food if it helps the patient ingest their prescribed medication. The law prohibits them from making medical cannabis in the form of edibles.

“Edibles offer an easy and appropriate way to get relief from their medical conditions, and that’s always been the goal of medical cannabis: providing relief to patients,” Laughlin said in a press release.

Edibles are one

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